Recently Organic Authority in partnership with Navago Shop has put together an article about adult acne: how to clear it, naturally. And Organic Authority has generously asked for Dr. Brei of NuVsio to contribute, again!
If you thought you’d left your acne years behind you but are seeing more breakouts than ever, you are not alone. In adults between the ages of 20 and 40, up to 55 percent battle adult acne. Even those who never had acne as a tween or teen can see blemishes once they hit 20 or beyond. While many factors come into play, that old standby acne skincare from your teen years may be aggravating the problem.
It’s also not just the time and money spent looking for ways to conquer breakouts that can be taxing. Adult acne has also been linked to lower self esteem. A 2017 study showed that 70 percent of acne patients in their 30s were most bothered by their appearance, over twice that of any other age group. This age group also reported their acne had a greater effect on quality of life.
This may surprise you, but one of the most common causes of continued adult acne may be the products you use to get rid of it. Yes, those conventional acne treatments usually contain some pretty harsh ingredients that are meant to dry the skin. While acne prone skin is often oily, that is not always the case, especially with adult acne. Plus, drying out any skin type with strong ingredients, including extra oily skin, leads to even more breakouts.
While both men and women are affected by adult acne, women tend to make up the largest group of sufferers due to the ongoing battle with hormones related to the monthly cycle, pregnancy, pre-menopause, and menopause. If you see breakouts during ovulation or the onset of menses, this could be due to shifts in estrogen and progesterone.
Stress reduction is another important factor in keeping the system running smoothly and hormones in check. Getting your beauty sleep and regular exercise are great first steps.
Now for the good stuff … how to get your skin back on the path to clear, healthy, and radiant. Craft a simple protocol for your own skin type and use it regularly for best results. Here are a selection of natural products recommended by the Founders behind the clean, indie brands on Navago, to get you started.
Cleanse: “What can you do if you’re an adult with acne? First, get your skin to a baseline by making sure you have a good skin health routine,” said Dr. Elena Brei, Ph.D., Founder of NuVsio. “This starts with gentle cleansers that respect your skin barrier and its microbiome.”

Start by swapping out those conventional acne products with milder, natural options to calm and balance the skin.“Try eliminating suspect foods for a month to see if your condition improves or is eliminated,” suggests Dr. Brei. “Lastly, respect your body’s biological clock, get good sleep, regular exercise, and enjoy your healthy vibrant self!”
For the full article click HERE